Thursday, June 18, 2020

15A - Buyer Behavior No. 2

15A – Buyer Behavior No. 2

Target Segment:
My target segment is people who use food tracking apps to track their weight. I have been tracking my food for years and have access to a Facebook group called Avatar Nutrition to ask questions and relate to. My three interviewees are from this Avatar Facebook group.
Summary of Interviews:
The three people I interviewed all use the same food tracking app, Avatar. However, each one of them did not use Avatar from the start. Every interviewee started with MyFitnessPal. Their reasons were because it was word of mouth, it was free, and its popularity. One person believes they begin with MyFitnessPal because its free and when you start tracking you never know if you will stay consistent with tracking, so why pay for an app? Another person said they have used different apps and each app offers the same thing. Apps that are not free might offer recipe ideas which is the only difference. When asked why they made the switch to Avatar their answers differed. The reasons were they trust Layne Norton (Power builder well respected in the lifting community who made the app), they had access to virtual coaches who answered questions, the ability to adjust carbs and fat based on your day. The app is $10/month and each of them was willing to pay for it to get the extra benefits that Avatar offers. My three interviewees have each been using Avatar for over a year! If anything showed their loyalty to Avatar it was the length of time they have been using the app. One interviewee said they are pleased with their purchase because it works and they make food tracking convenient. At this point it’s become part of their daily routine. Another said that the power to adjust the carbs and fat so easily is what has kept them with Avatar and that the features keep getting better and better, so they stick around to take advantage of any more app updates.  
I was really happy about the interviews I was able to conduct and the feedback. I agree that Avatar has offered many updates that I have not seen in other food tracking apps. What I learned from conducting these interviews is that adding convenience and always bettering a product/service will keep loyal customers. I think Avatar could be potentially be a fantastic candidate to add a scannable menu feature to their app to really stand out from competitors.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Danielle

    I enjoyed your post! Originally, when reading your idea, it seemed like you were looking to create your own app that offered the scannable menu option for those who want to keep track of what they're eating. However, after reading through the post, it seems like you want to create the initial idea and then sell it to current tracking companies such as Avatar. Is that correct? Either way, this is still one of my favorite ideas! By selling it off (like I believe you're doing here), you should also take away a lot of the mitigated risk involved with developing and marketing the app yourself.
